
Women's Empowerment and GDP Analysis

This is a five-decade examination of the interconnection between the Global Women's Empowerment Index and GDP Per Capita. The central proposition suggests a mutually reinforcing association between economic well-being and Women's Rights. Nevertheless, our unwavering dedication is to adopt a rigorous, data-centric approach, unveiling noteworthy discoveries.

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RockBuster and XGBoost

This cost-benefit analysis is in a context of a fictional, globally operating movie rental business on the brink of expansion. Its primary goal is to employ strategic decisions that result in an augmentation of overall profitability. eXtreme Gradient Boosted decision tree modeling is employed, and feature importance values are used to guide the interpretation of the machine learning insights.

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Influenza Season Staffing

Every year, hospitals are faced with staffing challenges due to the influx of influenza patients. This prescriptive analysis uses USA CDC data and seeks to define and direct staff from low-need states to high-need states.

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Archaelogical Analysis

A descriptive analysis of animal bones from a Historic Archaeological site in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Applied Data Analytics

I've actively contributed to a diverse array of Data Analysis projects, refining my proficiency in Python, adaptable problem-solving, statistical methods, and insightful data visualization. Leveraging tools such as:


  • Plotly and Seaborn visualization analysis.
  • XGBoost modeling and SHAP values for interpretation.
  • Pandas data cleaning and manipulation.


  • Common Table Expressions.
  • Subqueries and extensive joins.
  • Snowflake schema analysis.


  • Correlational visualization and analysis.
  • Multivariate geospatial analysis.
  • Dashboard engineering and implementation.

I’ve informed decisions to improve profitability by up to 80% annually. In finance, my expertise in instrument research, competitive strategy, and statistical modeling led to a 40% CAGR over six years, showcasing my ability to navigate dynamic markets with critical thinking and strategic planning. During my time in technology sales, I was relied upon for responsibilities on and off the sales floor and enjoyed sales training and team building. Monthly KPIs were commonly exceeded by over 50% through quantitative research, effective communication and psychosocial analysis.

Other Projects

Further analysis using Python, Tableau, SQL, and Excel. Click for information on process and final deliverables.

Instacart Customer Segmentation

Using Python and Tableau to understand customer spending behavior and drive revenue in multiple ways.

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GameCo Marketing Strategy

Multivariate Excel analysis of video game sales to inform a successful marketing strategy for North America, Europe, and Japan.

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European Education and GDP

Using Python to prepare data for a Tableau dashboard illustrating the relationship between GDP per capita and higher education cost.

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Pig E. Bank Churn Modeling

Modeling customer behavior with Python's XGBoost library and SHAP values for feature importance.

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